
Started by bitchmade, May 05, 2014, 06:06:21 PM

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aka bitchmade backwards hi i'm jake. migrated here from another cs:s server, so far so good.
thanks for the quick membership approval, glad to be here 


Welcome to the server, and I hope you enjoy your stay! :D


Welcome to Infinity, hope you're enjoying your stay!
Farewell everyone, Thank you for all the fun.

Lelouch Lamperouge

Way to copy and paste the same response guys lol Hey bitchmade I'm Lelouch a staff member of infinity let me know if you have any questions via steam and I aswell as other staff will be happy to assist you.  8) 8) 8)
I'll slit the backs of your heels and drop a cell phone on the ground and drag you to the other side and see if you can crawl to the phone before bleeding out, except you wont know the phones not real unless you crawl like i ask.