Membership Application Smoke .

Started by Smoke ., April 20, 2014, 03:31:09 AM

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Smoke .

In-Game Name :Smoke .
How old are you? :14
Are you in our Steam Community Group? :Yes
Do you wear the Infinity Symbol by your name(∞) ? :yes
Have you read and do you meet the requirements? :yes
Do you own and/or use a microphone? :yes
Who are you? (Tell us a little bit about yourself) :My name is Kyle. Ive Played on the Reg jb sever for I while now and ive come to relize that I need to sign up for membership. I fell that if I join you well get stronger of a Group.
How long have you been playing on Infinity? :About 2 mouths now.
Why do you want to become a member? :To Help out anyone that needs help
Who recruited you, if anyone :The person that made me want to join is Nebula because He seems he has a lot of fun when he plays.
Additional Information (Not required)



Welcome to Infinity Smoke. :)