
Started by Chezit, July 08, 2013, 05:22:05 AM

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Hey, im not a member but iv been playing on your servers for a couple days now :D surfs great havent played that in a while so most of the time youll catch me on there, sometimes rpg:jb, iv already got to know some of you guys and easy doesnt like my skills too much but hey, its natural talent! xD hope to get to know you all better!


Yoooooooooooooooo , welcome to the community Billy ;D I hate your awping in surf D= But you're a cool guy   ;)

TeamSpeak 3 - ts3.infinity-css.com


Welcome, Your right I don't like your skills but, "haters be hatin." Anyways welcome to the servers and apply to be a member it cant hurt. :)
If You dont know me, Ask The community who Easytarget[USA] is.


Welcome!!! Billy i know we've had our disagreements, but i'm hoping to put that aside in hope we can be friends? But welcome to the Infinity Community! Enjoy your stay!

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