Administrator Application Format

Started by PedoBear, June 14, 2016, 01:14:46 AM

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The entirety of the format, excluding anything listed as optional, must be filled out in order for your application to be reviewed.

Applicants who are accepted will be introduced as recruits, who will go through a trial period until they are demoted after failing, or promoted after passing.

Must have TeamSpeak3 downloaded
Must be a member of the Steam group
In-game name:



Do you have a mic:

How active are you:

Past administrator experience:

Why you want to become an admin:

Have you ever been banned, and if so what for:

(OPTIONAL) Summary/description of yourself:


Submitting an application means that you adhere to the rules stated in the MOTD, the Punishment Progression, and to the fact that you will be demoted if your power is abused.