SKATER Member App.

Started by skater, July 21, 2013, 03:32:22 PM

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In-Game Name : SKATER
How old are you? : 14
Are you in our Steam Community Group? : Yes
Do you wear the Infinity Symbol by your name(∞) ? : If I am accepted as a member, of course.
Have you read and do you meet the requirements? : Yes
Do you own and/or use a microphone? : Yes
Who are you? (Tell us a little bit about yourself) : I like to have fun on the server but I also play maturely.
How long have you been playing on Infinity? : 2 Weeks
Why do you want to become a member? : Benefits and be known in the server since I've been playing a lot.
Who recruited you, if anyone : No one.
Additional Information (Not required) : I played as warden for about an hour and it didn't seem as anyone cared about my voice, so that should not be a problem.


Active on Reg JB, Good player, respect other players, and Never seen him break rules.


+Support  :)

Same as Yoko stated.

TeamSpeak 3 -


+Support, Great player, easy to get along with, fun to play with, follows rules, reports rulebreakers to admins. Great addition to the community.  8)

There are two types of people in this world, the ones that support democracy, and then there are the sane ones.



Im just that guy on the internet who games for the fun of it




Welcome to the Infinity community.