FREEKILLING TERRORIST, Application for Membership

Started by FreekillingTerrorist, August 02, 2013, 08:25:10 PM

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How old are you? : 19 years old
Are you in our Steam Community Group? : Yes, I have joined the Steam Group "Infinity Community".

Do you wear the Infinity Symbol by your name(∞) ? :  Yes, I have selected the Infinity Community tag as my name under the multiplayer settings of Counter Strike Source.
Have you read and do you meet the requirements? : Yes. I assure you that I am fully compliant with the requirements to join this clan.

Do you own and/or use a microphone? : Yes. I own two microphones: A laptop built in microphone, as well as a Steelseries Siberia V2 headset.

Who are you? (Tell us a little bit about yourself) : I am a Chinese Canadian. I love watching hockey, and my favorite team is the Toronto Maple Leafs. Currently, I am a full time student at the University of Waterloo studying Mathematics. I enjoy playing Jailbreak on CSS, and have been active in many jailbreak communities in the past.

How long have you been playing on Infinity? : I have been playing on Infinity Jailbreak for one week. However, in the past, I have made several visits to the server as well.

Why do you want to become a member? : I used to be an avid jailbreak gamer. I was active on many jailbreak communities. However, I lost the passion for jailbreak, as many communities became defunct and corrupted. However, when I entered Infinity Jailbreak last week, I found a resurgence of interest for Jailbreak. I have tried for over a year to find a good server to play on, and I truly believe this clan offers one of the best communities to foster and grow a jailbreak server. It would be a true honor and privilege to be apart of this group. I hope I am considered for membership.

Who recruited you, if anyone : I was not recruited here, however, I did meet Bloodydiamond, who was a is a very friendly person and member. He was a great ambassador to your clan, and one of the reasons why I am confident that Infinity is and will continue to be a successful clan for Jailbreak.

Additional Information (Not required) : I have been involved in an administrative situation, and in case of misunderstanding, I would like to clear up the issue. Yesterday (August 1st, 2013), I almost killed Dickweed. This was because I called warden, and gave commands on my mic. However, I did not know it was malfunctioning, and as a result, Dickweed, as well as the other terrorists, did not hear my orders. My commands were "If you are out of your cell you are considered a rebel. Take one step out of your cell and freeze". Dickweed kicked me. I did explain to him after what happened, but in case anyone saw and misunderstood, I hope I cleared things up here. I have played CT many times, and I assure you that I never intend to freekill.

I thank you for your time and patience in reading this application, and I hope I am considered.
Roses are red.
Violets are blue.
Last Reaction Jump.


I like the way you worded your application, you're fun Warden to play with and you seem like a sensible and mature person and gamer! You're pretty active on the Regular Jailbreak and you understand the rules very well. Glad you like the servers after your history with other Jailbreaks, Infinity is great! Hope you enjoy your stay on the servers!  8)

There are two types of people in this world, the ones that support democracy, and then there are the sane ones.


I never met you in the regular jailbreak (Yet) but you formatted your application with neatness and very nice detail so I believe you would be a great member to the community going by your application.

Welcome to the community!

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