<3BloodyNinja<3 Introductions

Started by Lt.ᴃᴌᴏᴏᴆƴᴆιᴀᴍᴏᴎᴆ, August 18, 2013, 03:40:13 PM

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I am football player and I also lift because my coach told us that we need to lift every day after practice.
I am a gamer, I play lots of different games.
I am in 9th grade in a school called Bishop Alemany.
I am from the Philippines but grew up in the US.
I am Asian :3
I think thats it o3o

Captain Cupcakes


Captain Cupcakes - Retired Senior Staff



Quote from: CaptainCupcakes on October 19, 2013, 12:52:01 PM
Welcome to Infinity, Bloody.
Do us all a favour and stop posting on old boards
Im just that guy on the internet who games for the fun of it

Lelouch Lamperouge

well he did just get reinstated cyber and also dont give us that much info bishop? hold on let google and get it on my navigator see you at lunch LOL
I'll slit the backs of your heels and drop a cell phone on the ground and drag you to the other side and see if you can crawl to the phone before bleeding out, except you wont know the phones not real unless you crawl like i ask.