Hey Guys, I'm starting a Folding@Home Team for Infinity!
Even While You Sleep ... You Are Very Busy, Folding (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7sJx9z1uB9k#ws)
Team Details:
- Team Name: Infinity-CSS Folding Team
- Team Number: 226349
What does F@H do?: It uses the idle processing power of your computer to fight illnesses such as:
Cancer, Parkinson's, Huntington's, and Alzheimer's.
What do I have to do?: You download the Folding@Home program and install it. That's it!
Will I notice it?: You should not notice it, if you do, you can set it to
Idle and it will only run while your not using your computer.
I don't want it running while I'm on the computer: As stated above, you can set it to
Idle so that it runs while you are not at your computer.
Am I actually making a difference by running this?: YES, you can read here (http://www.reddit.com/r/askscience/comments/r93i6/has_foldinghome_really_accomplished_anything/) and here (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Folding@home#Biomedical_research). Just running a program will help society. It's that easy!
Prizes will be handed out as incentive for folding for our team.The Top 5 Folders for each month:
- First Place: 1 Month of VIP with 100 RPG Levels OR 25,000 Store Credits
- Second Place: 1 Month of VIP with 50 RPG Levels OR 20,000 Store Credits
- Third Place: 1 Month of VIP with 2,000 RPG Credits OR 15,000 Store Credits
- Fouth Place: 1 Month of VIP with 1,500 RPG Credits OR 10,000 Store Credits
- Fifth Place: 1 Month of VIP with 1,000 RPG Credits OR 5,000 Store Credits
You don't have to be in the Top 5 to get a prize.:
If you reach a milestone you will get:
- 10,000 Points: [Folding Team] title in the server of your choice!
- 100,000 Points: [Dedicated Folder] title in the server of your choice!
- 500,000 Points: [Folding Master] title in the server of your choice!
- 1,000,000 Points: [Folding God] title in the server of your choice!
You can also get signatures like below:
The link to add this to your signature is:
probably most of the people that do this will be admins, so would you just increase their credit gain? (currently its 3x but will it go up to 4-6x?)
Folding right now :D
Awesome! Will get this going ASAP. :)
sadly iv only been running my laptop for this so i have fallen behind ;,(
Am I too late to do this?
I'm going to start doing this as soon as my mom lets me dl it...
Hopefully did this correct, wouldn't allow me to space the name though.
Folding 8) 8)
So when do we know who's first place, second place, etc?
Quote from: $!r3n on May 21, 2014, 04:14:19 PM
So when do we know who's first place, second place, etc?
http://fah-web.stanford.edu/cgi-bin/main.py?qtype=teampage&teamnum=226349 (http://fah-web.stanford.edu/cgi-bin/main.py?qtype=teampage&teamnum=226349)
Not sure how often it's updated since thats like updated a week ago.
Winning (http://imgur.com/jQaUBtT)
How Chezit? D:
Edit: You filthy lying bitch 8)
Quote from: Iceyy on May 29, 2014, 12:58:02 PM
How Chezit? D:
He lied :P It was updated today look at it.
Quote from: Iceyy on May 29, 2014, 12:58:02 PM
How Chezit? D:
Edit: You filthy lying bitch 8)
lollol, soon to be 2nd though