Server Update 4/22
We've been working on the server the past few days to have it up and running for you guys to enjoy,so here's a update of what's been done so far.
- Store is now added
- FastDL is updated (Also fixed missing .nav files)
- Map Changing problems have been resolved
- Spawn protection has been set to 3 seconds (Default was 5)
- MOTD has been added w/ GG Ranking
- Server Administration Tree (,1252.0.html) is up and updated for GG.
- SourceMod/MetaMod Updated
- Forum GunGame MOTD (,1261.0.html) Updated (P.S. This is just a forum version of the motd for convenience and is not the actual used MOTD in-game)
- Map 'gg_wmd_cellular (' has been removed due to causing server crash on map load
- Map 'gg_aztec_mini_beta (' has been removed due to causing server crash on map reload
- Several maps have been added to the server. (22 GG Maps)
- Missing Weapons : AWP , G3SG1 , SG550 have been added to the mix
- New Title : [Gunslinger] (Suggestion from TheLaw)
If there is any problems with the server and or something you think should be changed please refer to the GunGame Server Suggestions (,45.0.html) (Only message directly if it's a major problem,Thanks)