Mine would be either Tekken,Dynasty Warriors/Warriors Orochi, Final Fantasy, and The Legend of Dragoon was one of my favorites, I played it and finished it when I was little when I had the tiny Playstation 1,then moved on to the Playstation 2, then I stopped there, So Yeah.... Whats Yours?
ratchet and clank + jack and daxter or w/e
all ratchet and clanks but only first and third jack and daxter (if the third is the one in the desert)
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Super Mario Brothers
Donkey Kong
Mortal Kombat
Ratchet & Clank
Crash Bandicoot
Sly Cooper
Tom & Jerry
Final Fantasy 7
Final Fantasy 8
Final Fantasy 9
Final Fantasy 10
Final Fantasy 10-2
Final Fantasy 11 (First Online Game I Ever played; aside from Neopets)
Final Fantasy 12
Kingdom Hearts
When my playstation broke and I couldn't play console games anymore, I started playing:
Neverwinter Nights
World of Warcraft
Years later in 2009
I began playing steam games, CSS was my first steam game ever.
My absolute favorite is Super Mario Bro's.
I dont remember any of those games because i'm 15 and I was born in 1999 and not 1980 or something :(
lol, i was born 1998 but i know all those games, not so much zelda but my brothers played that, only games idk out of dottiis list are sly cooper and tom & jerry, but i love all those games :D spyro+crash bandicoot <333 i had super mario on my GBC and last year i found my GBC but no mario :(
Quote from: Chezit on April 24, 2014, 08:06:56 PM
lol, i was born 1998 but i know all those games, not so much zelda but my brothers played that, only games idk out of dottiis list are sly cooper and tom & jerry, but i love all those games :D spyro+crash bandicoot <333 i had super mario on my GBC and last year i found my GBC but no mario :(
I remember some but not the rest because i was either too young or just didn't like them :/
I used to play kingdom hearts and final fanticy so fucking much
First videogame I've played (In general) was GTA:SA so probably GTA:SA :P (Far as childhood)
Far as steam , didn't come to 2008. My oldest sister's bf recommended it to me and I started on TF2.
Quote from: Flex on April 25, 2014, 10:45:09 AM
Can't disagree with you there.
Has to be Super Mario Bros.
gta san andreas was like the best game ever. especially if you had the fucking tank cheat and monster truck and shit, fucking loved that
Played the shit out of this game when I was a kid.
Super Mario Brothers
Seeing as I never saw this post and it obviously just got opened up, I think Zelda was my favorite. ;3
LoZ: Ocarina of Time!
LoZ: Majora's Mask!
N64 ftw :b
Pokemon Sapphire
And a whole lot of other shit x3
Space pinball 3D and hungry hungry hippos
Warcraft 3 The frozen throne 8)