For the people that I haven't already met, hello :>. I have been playing infinity the past few weeks now, I mainly play on the regular jailbreak and minigames server, I also play other games such as league of legends, cs:go and other games I play from time to time with friends. I'm from Britain so I can only really play at the weekend for a good length of time, I have exams coming up in my final year at school over the next month and a bit so I might not be as active as I would like to, but I should still be on the team speak and servers regularly. I just want to thank the community for being so welcoming so far and I hope to see more people in game c:
Welcome to the Community,Aaron. Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you Aaron, I have seen you on the reg jb server every once in a while and its nice to see that you're getting on the forums. I didn't go on to the forums until about a week ago even though i've been playing on infinity for 4-5 months xD.
Welcome to the community Aaron, ive seen you around :D
Welcome to Infinity!