Heres a pic of mine (
Quote from: Church on May 03, 2014, 11:54:47 AM
Heres a pic of mine (
#DatRacingWheel :P
Here's mine. (
Ladies and gentlegeeks, I present to you the master ship (
( Toooooo op?
#twoxboxs #toomanyscreens #get real #swag lol btw im not a hashtagger just pokin fun
Quote from: Robodude(derp) on May 05, 2014, 08:03:14 AM
<Snipped image> Toooooo op?
You still always lagging out. (
Rainbow Dashie!!!
My battle station. Adding 3rd monitor soon.
Quote from: Flex on May 07, 2014, 03:28:08 AM
<Picture been snipped>
My battle station. Adding 3rd monitor soon.
Taste the rainbow much?