So ill start this game and its called Add on. You basically add on a word to create a crazy story. So ill start it off with
God guys put the words together
My mother ate the
My mother ate the mailmans can
My mother at the mailman's can of
My mother ate the mailman's can of chicken
My mother ate the mailman's can of chicken fetus
My mother ate the mailman's can of chicken fetus and
My mother ate the mailman's can of chicken fetus and the
My mother ate the mailman's can of chicken fetus and the pile
My mother ate the mailman's can of chicken fetus and the pile of
My mother ate the mailman's can of chicken fetus and the pile of AIDS
Really Easy? xD
My mother ate the mailman's can of chicken fetus and the pile of AIDS in
My mother ate the mailman's can of chicken fetus and the pile of AIDS in the
My mother ate the mailman's can of chicken fetus and the pile of AIDS in the Bugatti than
My mother ate the mailman's can of chicken fetus and the pile of AIDS in the Bugatti then fire rained down on all of the dumb motherfuckers then made sexy time with Jesus...
You had to kill the game like that bro? xD
:-* love you YOKOKO!
Quote from: AssassinsWeed on July 26, 2013, 03:17:05 AM
My mother ate the mailman's can of chicken fetus and the pile of AIDS in the Bugatti then fire rained down on all of the dumb motherfuckers then made sexy time with Jesus...
Banned from the forums for ruining the game, this game was the only reason we have players, donators, money, a forum, private messages, cars, houses, phones and fucking lifes. Thanks alot Assasinsweed.
P.S : Sexy time with Jesus only gets you up in life it dose not make you dumb, do you even want to go to heaven ?!? Wtf, I bet you don't even lift bro.
I'm sorry guys, i really am. I think i stopped the servers and the forums flow of money. Now we have no more servers. No more Infinity. No more life. And no more boys (sorry soldier).
My mother ate the mailman's can of chicken fetus and a pile of AIDS in the
of course the black kid ruins it smdh
They moldy cheese fell out the garbage can....
wrong thread