Hello Infinity I am kind of new to the community in general, been playing for a week i think, I finally put in a member application and am now a member. So to start out with my in game name is of course Sleeping Turtles i am a part of Trinity. But with personal stuff i am 16 going to be 17 august 15th. I am going into my senior year and am taking classes to get a jump start on coding, which as that suggests is what i wish to become after college. Among all of this i am a avid MMORPG player with coding experience from WoW private server (namely caustic wow). Anything else feel free to ask!
Hey turd les :)
:-* ;D :P
Enjoy Your Stay
Haii turtles!!! cx Welcome!!
(I know I'm a bit late) I'm glad to see you're fitting in with the community and that you're enjoying it! Glad to have you in Infinity! ;D
thank you all!
Can confirm he is indeed a gorge forman grill!
Robo can eat my dick and lick my clit <3