In-game name: SeanTheMagicMan
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:29550371
Age: 17, almost 18.
Do you have a mic:Yes
How active are you: It's summer break, I'm as active as I can be.
Past administrator experience: Infinity CSS Global Administrator
Why you want to become an admin: I'd like to become an administrator for several reasons. One being, I was a global administrator when this community was booming and we had several servers. Another is to keep the guys who wish to be twats on the server controlled. I really do appreciate the community and what it is and use to be. I want to bring it back to its former glory and reign of CSS. This community has so much potential and I want to help bring it out as an administrator by keeping those who want to see it fall out of the picture.
Have you ever been banned, and if so what for: I've never been ban from Infinity, past or present.
(OPTIONAL) Summary/description of yourself: I'm Uncle Sam! My real name is Sean and most of you guys know me. I went pretty inactive towards the end of the days in Infinity but now it's alive and well again and I'm here to stay. I'm on summer break and it's my senior year which means I got all those easy classes! Except Spanish. Kms.. Anyways, I'm here to help and provide for the community as best as possible. I know the MOTD and I know how to play this game. I'm ready to help! I hope you guys accept it because I've missed Infinity! If not, I'll still continue to play. <3