In-game name: ๖Lazer
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:59641489
Age: 17
Do you have a mic: Yes
How active are you: Very Active, i will post on forums or contact a higher up, if i have to leave for a period of time.
Past administrator experience: Trainee ☛ Earned Moderator ☛ Earned Administrator On Infinity Rpg Jailbreak
Why you want to become an admin: Becoming admin will allow me to help keep the server running smoothly in-game, especially when the server is officially announced, i will be able to guide the new/old members playing on the server to my fullest.
Have you ever been banned, and if so what for: No
(OPTIONAL) Summary/description of yourself: I have been an admin in the community before and have had no complaints, i also have never abused my permissions(nor will i ever). i am a very active and social member of the community! 8) 8) 8) 8)