In-game name:Babybillkiller
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:55471790
Age: 15
Do you have a mic:Yes
How active are you: I am active a lot and I plan to play on the server even more.
Past administrator experience: I have Earned admin on the server in the past and I have a lot of experience using the commands and have been admin on different servers
Why you want to become an admin: I want to become an admin to make sure everything goes right on the server. I also would like to become an admin because I am active a lot and want to make sure that people are new and join the server are welcomed and have a understanding of the rules. I would also like to become admin because I enjoy the community and want to be apart of it
Have you ever been banned, and if so what for:No I have not been banned in the past and don't plan to be :D
(OPTIONAL) Summary/description of yourself: I like playing on the rpg server and have a lot of memories on it and now that it is back up I can make new ones :D :D
+ 1/2 He would get a full point but he's a part of six sages so
+1 all round good guy really chill and can handle the position well