In-game name: AaronGuchi123
Do you have a mic?: No i do not
Age: Im 14 turning 15 in two months
How active are you?: I will be on for at least 3 hours a day usually
Past experience admin: I have been moderator on infinity for about 2 months, i have been Super admin on Soul's server Which is jailbreak rpg, for 1 year
Have i ever been banned from Infinity: Yes i have for 60 minutes for breaking some rules.
Info about me: I love basketball, my favorite drink is Coca-Cola and my favorite dinner is Chicken in lemony sauce with Chicken
Thank you for taking time out of your day to view my application I appreciate it :)
Hey man, please follow the format to apply for admin.
Edit your post and fill this out, thanks!
In-game name:
Do you have a mic:
How active are you:
Past administrator experience:
Why you want to become an admin:
Have you ever been banned, and if so what for:
(OPTIONAL) Summary/description of yourself: