Ban Appeal Format
Copy & Paste the Format below into your thread and fill it out accordingly. Click 'select' and right click/copy or manually highlight it and right click/copy.
Your In-Game Name (at the time of ban):
Do you understand why you were banned:
Have you read the MOTD before (If no, Why?):
Do you agree to abide by the MOTD rules:
Why do you feel you should be unbanned:
Additional (Anything you'd like to add?):
Please Note:
- You may have changed your name since the ban has taken place, however, please state your name at the time in which you were banned, as this is what resides in our system.
- "Do you understand why you were banned" is optional, if you were banned falsely. If you were banned legitimately, this is required.
- "Have you read the MOTD before" is required, it is known to us that some players chose not to read the MOTD and have broken rules accordingly due to this. These are not the players we are looking for in our servers, so if you have not read them then you need to take the time to read them over. You can read them by clicking here (,1796.0.html)