I kinda went mia all of a sudden and the reasoning behind this is because my internet is currently out. Our "family handyman" was working outside and cutting some shrubbery. Unfortunately amongst it, unkownst to him as well as my family, there was a cable in the midsts and he accidentally snipped it. It cut out my mom's cable and the internet.
I'll be back next Wednesday (The 6th) hopefully, when the cable company comes to fix it.
Borrowing my mom's phone to make this post, using her mobile service since I don't have my service of my own. I planned to logon steam and edit my profile but I can't get in since I can't verify the mobile guard code since I don't have Wi-Fi to use the app on my phone.
See you soon :)
Internet is backup now, good to go~
Longest I've had with no internet lol. I've had a few blackouts here and there but that's only a day at the longest xD