SteamID: fnewland STEAM_0:1:12892992
Age: 19
Do you have a mic: Yes but only for you baby
How active are you: Sometime but for you all the time
Past administrator experience: I use to be an admin on this server
Why you want to become an admin: For friendship and anal
Have you ever been banned, and if so what for: No but for you Ill do anything
(OPTIONAL) Summary/description of yourself: (OPTIONAL) Summary/description of yourself (OPTIONAL) Summary/description of yourself (OPTIONAL) Summary/description of yourself baby
Every thing seems good put the name separate from steam Id good luck man
Try being more serious about becoming a recruit.. -1
If you want recruit, you need to edit your application, this will be declined very quickly. You were a good, active admin in the past, would be sad to see your application denied because of the lack of effort you decided to put towards this.