Infinity Community

[CS:GO] Reg Jailbreak => [Closed] Apply for Admin => Topic started by: Sgt.Soldierâ„¢ on July 14, 2016, 12:40:54 PM

Title: *READ FIRST* Punishment Progression for Admins
Post by: Sgt.Soldierâ„¢ on July 14, 2016, 12:40:54 PM

Punishment Progression for Admins

You MUST follow this progression of punishment if a CT is freekilling.

  • (Freeze->Warn)->(Slay->Warn)->CTBan*
(Anything inside of parenthesis are to be done at the same time. Each Admin Command MUST be followed by a Warning.)

You CAN follow this progression for anything else (other than hackers). This is a catch-all progression.

  • (Warn)->(Freeze->Warn)->(Slay->Warn)->(Kick->Warn)->Ban*
(The first warning is optional. Anything inside of parenthesis are to be done at the same time. Each Admin Command MUST be followed by a Warning.)

Alternatively, you should use this for spammers/ghosters/racism.

  • Warn->(Gag/Mute->Warn)->Permanant Gag/Mute*

(Permanant Gag and Mutes are only to be used for people who try and evade your gag/mute.)

You are not required to follow only the punishment progressions here, but IF you are going to slay/kick/ MUST follow one of the first two progressions.

You are receiving admin to make sure users follow the rules.

You are NOT receiving it so that you can have fun with Admin Commands.

Good Examples:

  • CTBanning freekillers.
  • Freezing a loser in an LR.
  • Muting/Gagging Spammers.
  • Banning Hackers.
  • Teleporting players that are stuck.
  • Respawning freekilled players.

Bad Examples:

  • Abusing freekillers.
  • Burning a loser in an LR.
  • Spawning guns for yourself.
  • Punishing someone for "Admin Disrespect".
  • Respawning yourself if you were not freekilled.

A note I'd like to add, you are still free to judge accordingly to your own jurisdiction, but judge wisely. You shouldn't end up in a position where it seems like you skipped a step such as issuing a warning.