okay i have some complains on him, its just for the server, (just saying as my thoughts okay, he freeslays me" he always gets gunplanted with primary of dead people. Walking around with primary and slays or rages on mic on everyone who shots at him, this happends 1-3 times each time he joins, and never happends to annyone else in like ever.) and yesterday he raged.
ps. everything below is just from yesterday.
please take full screen on video to see chat and turn quality upp to 1080p, dunno if it will help.
Lelouch 1 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IY9GzRZuxg#ws)
okay so i got some screenshot about the video
he always gets gunplanted each time he has a primary, once i was on he did it 4 times in a row, he slays people really easy who shots at him with a primary or rages on mic, he hates players alot and cannot give reasons why he slays people (often)
http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/633038424780653247/771E271743F93D38844469D76B95E8D21D8BDFD8/ (http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/633038424780653247/771E271743F93D38844469D76B95E8D21D8BDFD8/)
idk what this is about tho, people really started to complain about lelouche abusing, respawning himself and he kicked players like awkward turtle for some reason about what he though (about getting shot or something not even killed) i got the video, it got corrupt, i can upload it but its on 200mb with that quality and that takes 3-4 hours for me. if its needed i can try.
http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/633038424822722631/7EC644027C6B9F03678FF9495CAD44CD8E09E42C/ (http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/633038424822722631/7EC644027C6B9F03678FF9495CAD44CD8E09E42C/)
he slays me quite often when i do like, telling him to drop gun and says 5 to zero. and he just says no fuck you and runs away, and then i kill him, and he slays me. and he freeslayed me like 2-3 times just yesterday, not only me, , i ask him why he slayed me, all i get is fuck you soul. (often) not wierd that i post all this.
http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=163005307 (http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=163005307)
as you see in the video he respawns himself from spectator (he just came back from being afk) and then just hes the boss and respanws himself when 7 players has died already. and its 3 players left. here is a bit later or earlier the same day (cant really tell if this was before or after the video but was on same day)
http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=163004617 (http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=163004617)
since all this was from yesterday it was easy to find and do something with, im not gonna sit there having him messing around with me all the time. idk what you guys think about me posting all this if this makes me worse or just telling the truth would also do everyone a favor.
and today (exacly when i joined) and was in spec he respawned everyone that was dead to alive because the round took a bit time? like everyone gets slayed at 0:00 wich we wait for but he respawns everyone lol, 16 players in game at that time .
http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/633038424842250484/CDA25B4A7D18F5CBA8C0BCEC4FFF8C47DC7DB88E/ (http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/633038424842250484/CDA25B4A7D18F5CBA8C0BCEC4FFF8C47DC7DB88E/)
Could you stop double posting?
Hey duck, No one is going to look at your posts if you name it something stupid as fuck like "Lelouche take a chillpill." Not even spelling his name right. And yeah like killer say, Stop Double Posting.
Quote from: Mr Duckk on July 24, 2013, 09:59:00 AM
and today (exacly when i joined) and was in spec he respawned everyone that was dead to alive because the round took a bit time? like everyone gets slayed at 0:00 wich we wait for but he respawns everyone lol, 16 players in game at that time .
http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/633038424842250484/CDA25B4A7D18F5CBA8C0BCEC4FFF8C47DC7DB88E/ (http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/633038424842250484/CDA25B4A7D18F5CBA8C0BCEC4FFF8C47DC7DB88E/)
You're grabbing every single bit you can,aren't you? You hate Lelouch or something? Yes he respawned all dead and you were like "Wtf sgt why?" or whatever then thats when I said it was Lelouch after I !slay @spec since Spectators got 1up'd too. Probably was just a slowpoke round and he just joined/1up'd all so people dont have to just sit/wait forever.