Infinity Community

Infinity Community => Site Suggestions => Closed Suggestions => Topic started by: AssassinsWeed on July 25, 2013, 10:14:09 PM

Title: Infinity First Response Team
Post by: AssassinsWeed on July 25, 2013, 10:14:09 PM
We could have a Response team to respond to rule breakers on the Servers, (Again, i have alot of ideas when i'm tired, just posting here) Usually I play CSS for a bit, then I play LoL then maybe some COD but all the while i have my phone with me, This idea kinda invades your personal life but if this server is gonna go farther then just an in-game thing, we need to get personal sometimes. But if some players could post their phone numbers here they could have players call them and tell them about the rule breakers.

Now that i have wrote this it sounds dumb as hell. But i want to see what you guys have to say about it.
Title: Re: Infinity First Response Team
Post by: Sgt.Soldierâ„¢ on July 25, 2013, 10:22:11 PM
I don't think Admins are gonna want to have random players calling their house/cell phones... Especially not myself I rarely turn it on/ i use google voice,no service 3:
Title: Re: Infinity First Response Team
Post by: AssassinsWeed on July 25, 2013, 11:29:37 PM
yeah can you delete this, i was high with anger when i wrote it lol
Title: Re: Infinity First Response Team
Post by: Sgt.Soldierâ„¢ on July 25, 2013, 11:50:02 PM
Quote from: AssassinsWeed on July 25, 2013, 11:29:37 PM
yeah can you delete this, i was high with anger when i wrote it lol

It still could be a possible suggestion but I don't think it's likely,as I said,I don't think admins want random players having/calling their cell (E.G Out with friends for a day or on Date etc.. *cell rings* "FREEKILLLLLLER!" Friend/Date : WtF?") / Don't want calling house (E.G Family might pick up instead / getting woken up because of a rule breaker)
Title: Re: Infinity First Response Team
Post by: Yoko on July 26, 2013, 02:34:16 AM
We should make a list for which times admins can get on and handle the servers. The sounds easier and much less annoying.
Title: Re: Infinity First Response Team
Post by: AssassinsWeed on July 26, 2013, 02:43:22 AM
Yes Yoko, that sounds more organized, thats kinda what me and lelouch were doing for a couple of days.
Title: Re: Infinity First Response Team
Post by: CyberMC on July 26, 2013, 11:58:39 AM
Maybeee have either a skype account for this type of stuff or sit in team speak when you afk
Title: Re: Infinity First Response Team
Post by: AssassinsWeed on July 26, 2013, 05:05:24 PM
I like the Teamspeak Idea, a special room for admins on break. Admin Lounge, Break Lounge. I think there is already a room for it but yeah, good idea Cyber  8)
Title: Re: Infinity First Response Team
Post by: Lelouch Lamperouge on August 22, 2013, 11:12:40 PM
hell id give my number to yoko sgt assassins weed caff deffinetly and dickweed even though he hates me :''''((( boo hooz itd be a kool way to do things u know like our secret club type thing idk i like it but not to just randoms but like server players/ friends
Title: Re: Infinity First Response Team
Post by: Sgt.Soldierâ„¢ on August 23, 2013, 03:47:31 PM

I support the TeamSpeak 3 Idea , admins can just sit in teamspeak and players can join the teamspeak to contact us if needed on the server,etc rather than us giving out our phone numbers to random people we don't even really know or trust. . . I already sit in teamspeak but no one ever joins..  lol.
Title: Re: Infinity First Response Team
Post by: AssassinsWeed on August 24, 2013, 12:19:40 PM
i used to sit in teamspeak but no one would chat or anything (when i was there) so i just stopped :(