Top Best Dubstep August 2012 ( Btw This is a Dubstep Video Ty caffeine btw for showing me how to link These Suppose Vids lol Weed Drinking milk lol Also i love dubstep like If like I saw Everybody that made Dubstep Dubstep People iwatch . DatSik Deadmau 5 FluxPavillon ModeStep hm Who Else EpicNetwork Which is that Video at the top Ya Right there buddy lmfao i also watch Excision I love There Music Like Basicly This one Excision & Datsik - Deviance (Dirtyphonics Remix) - X Rated Remixes ( I love This one Its like me running in like Halloween and like you see the most Scary Costume and you walk up to the person and hes like this isnt a costume and you like Freak out and run like hell i got goose Bumps Reading This lol But and its like wah also with Transformer Dubstep or basicly i think its like you walking with your girl friend and you see on tvs like and look in one window and it says like The purge has happened and you and your girl friend gotta survive and your like im not dieing today U and your girl friend just like Gear up like Matrix Mode im Ready Come at me Brah What it basicly is like i Really love This dubstep One last one i dont wanna keep you guys Here to long Also i like this one dubstep Mixes that This guy makes from other dubstep Like Datsik Excision And Flux but in a way Skrillex i dont see his dubstep as really good only song i think that was good from him was basicly Bang a Rang SAYY BOWWW but i really wanna show you this guys mix see right here look Best Dubstep Ever [Dark of the Moon] ( His mixes are so good Dubstep of the moon was a really good mix when i first saw it i was like what was that it was really cool i hope you guys like This Dubstep Topic cya Later
I've listened to the Best Dubstep of 2012 , good dubstep ;D Haven't listened to the others quite yet.
Quote from: |∞| Sgt.Soldier™ on August 18, 2013, 10:53:23 PM
I've listened to the Best Dubstep of 2012 , good dubstep ;D Haven't listened to the others quite yet.
Hahah Nice hope you like it :)
coughh cough dubstep sound like robot rape im fine with my edm shit
I really like La Roux, Flux Pavilion, and Pendulum for my dubstep but then again that's my opinion
Lelouch Dont hate on it You know you like the Dubstep its Sick man lol + Edm like Thats dubstep Monstercat Rxd There associated with Edm They make Edm Spotlights i guess So ya brah Wrong there you know you Like that DubStep