Infinity Community

Infinity Community => Site Suggestions => Closed Suggestions => Topic started by: Terraria on August 21, 2013, 07:43:06 AM

Title: We should have a Donate day!
Post by: Terraria on August 21, 2013, 07:43:06 AM
We pick a day and who ever donates the most! Gets Everything From The Store! But! Must be over 100$ So People would donate the most Get Everything from the store including the [WAZ] All Custom Skins Like The Transformer Naruto and other Skins they would like.

    Say Yeah This Is A Great Idea: In The Comment Below.

    Say Nope This is Not A Great Idea: In The Comment Below.

I Hope this will help infinity Grow and we could buy more things with the money people donate and get better things for the server!

Incoming More Ideas Coming!
Title: Re: We should have a Donate day!
Post by: Sgt.Soldierâ„¢ on August 21, 2013, 12:41:44 PM
Donating $100+ should not reward you with everything in the store,that's not even worth the cost of everything in the store due to the fact we count $1 as 1,000 store credits and some titles are 200,000 credits alone. Plus 'All Custom Skins',the players have donated $25.00 for their custom skins and that entitles the skin to only them and no one else,so doing some kind of 'Donation Day' overrides that? That wouldn't be fair to them,I don't think they would want others wearing their skins.(Majority of the players with custom skins).
Title: Re: We should have a Donate day!
Post by: CyberMC on August 21, 2013, 03:53:59 PM
hey terraria get out of our forums -Sincerly a clan member unlike you, you have no room to deny soldier of giving his 2cents hes clan member you are not hes global admin you are a random
Title: Re: We should have a Donate day!
Post by: Sgt.Soldierâ„¢ on August 21, 2013, 03:58:24 PM
Quote from: Terraria on August 21, 2013, 03:19:12 PM
Well I mean they don't get EVERYSINGLECUSTOMSKIN they just can cherry pick what they want and who ever pays the most gets everything in the store but it hast to be over 100$. I want dick weed and caffeine to see and say yes or no I don't want you soldier just to say no I actrully want the owner to say yes or no because you said no to everything I said ._.

I'm not approving or declining your 'suggestions' I'm just stating my opinion on them,just like everyone else is welcome to do so as well. Also my point still stands,even if it is 'one custom skin' or 'all of them'. The players paid to have them entitled to just themselves and no one else and nothing should override that and from what you said it seemed like it had to be a total of $100 or more.

Quote from: Terraria on August 21, 2013, 07:43:06 AM
We pick a day and who ever donates the most! Gets Everything From The Store! But! Must be over 100$ So People would donate the most Get Everything from the store including the [WAZ] All Custom Skins Like The Transformer Naruto and other Skins they would like.

The 'Transformer' is Heatshells and I doubt he wants to share it, 'Naruto' is  BabyBill and same would most likely occur. Sometimes BabyBill might like to mess around and have a 'clone' but to actually give and let a player have the skin,No. Heatshells tends to flip out for instance when Robby would copy his skin he would tell him to change back because he didn't want him as his skin.
Title: Re: We should have a Donate day!
Post by: AssassinsWeed on August 21, 2013, 04:37:20 PM
This is dumb as fuck. Why don't you just donate for the sake of donating? $1 can go a long way. Servers are fine how they are atm, only complaints are the high levels again... But they'll sort something out.
Title: Re: We should have a Donate day!
Post by: CyberMC on August 21, 2013, 06:33:11 PM
Soo no one is going to say anything about me yelling at stryder?
Title: Re: We should have a Donate day!
Post by: Dickweed on August 21, 2013, 06:50:18 PM
Quote from: Terraria on August 21, 2013, 07:43:06 AM
We pick a day and who ever donates the most! Gets Everything From The Store! But! Must be over 100$ So People would donate the most Get Everything from the store including the [WAZ] All Custom Skins Like The Transformer Naruto and other Skins they would like.

We're not going to let players get someone elses "Custom skin" because they donate more then they actually do.
You're donating to keep the server up, it might come with privileges, RPG/store credits, name colors, chat colors along with all the stuff we're giving you for donating. However, we don't need your money or anyone elses money because we have enough. If you feel like donating to keep the server up for a longer period of time but we're not going to ask for your money.

You are not buying "Mod" or "Admin", these are privileges we're giving you for helping us out.

Thanks for the suggestion but no thanks.