Ive been playing css for A LONG LONG TIME since Ive had a computer really.
only server i play if the jail break cause i have nothing better to do
and yeah css for lifeeeeee <3
Ive also been a admin for metalgamers which no longer hosts css :[
but i had lead admin on 3 bf3 servers and had a group of goon admins at my dis pence :P
i just like having fun now though i don't like dealing with peoples issues any more besides my own
Hope to see you guys in game <3 :D\
oh one last thing..... my gaming rig blew up when introduced to water so I'm on a laptop :D
Opps thought this was your member app lol :D but welcome
thanks :P But i did put a members app in as well
Welcome to the community :) :D ;)
soldier yo bitch ass commenting the same shit