I have some suggestions to the forum, I think could benefit for the community.
1. Giveaway/Raffles. Incorporate giveaway/raffles to the forum/servers to bring in new members. For example, give away a $20 Steam gift card, or if you had a TF2 server a Unusual hat. How it would work , I've seen on a couple of servers, (It is possible) Every 20-30 minutes while you are playing on one of our servers you will get a menu popup. The popup will give a bit of information and ask you to solve a simple question (math/triva etc.). If you answer correctly you will receive one Point. To ensure you are active and playing the menu will close after 60 seconds.
What do the points do?
At the end of the 2 weeks the top 10 players with the most points will be put into a raffle. The winning name drawn will receive a "Prize". Everything will be stored in infinity's database. If this is too complicated or sounds something that wouldn't work, a simple raffle would do.
2. A News and Announcements Section. Where administrators can post general news and stuff about the server. For example, you can make a thread for a vote on the next possible "skin" added to the !store menu. or raffles, or even server maintenance, what ever.
3.A technical support/help desk. Ask your technical problems to fellow members that can possibly help you out online without possibly hiring someone
4.Tutorials. Players can post tutorials of general stuff. Helping another person take a screen shot or a video about stuff that can help steam problems.
That's all I got now.
PS: I know I have been gone the last couple of months without saying anything, and I apologize. I was busy with school and have moved. I will be in the servers more often and start to being active again.
Thank you
1. Specifially the unusual hat giveaways is a bit.. unless we have someone who's rich in TF2 or someone willing to donate such items I don't think that is going to be possible.. Steam Card Giveaways maybe..? (Would be up to Caffeine I'd say.. unless some members wanna donate some cards to giveaway :o)
2-4 I like those ideas,especially 2. Can't hurt to post news regarding the community,could also use the steam group to post such or maybe even both.
1. No
2. Added
3. No
4. Added