Have you ever watched Fear Factor ? or The UFC ?
If so, you must know who Joe Rogan is & in case you don't; He's one of the coolest motherfuckers ever.
Perhaps I think of him highly because he is a fellow pothead like myself & I am quite a large MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) fan. but he has some of the craziest fucking ideas I've ever heard! and frankly they make sense. He hosts a podcast almost every night. I encourage you all to go and check them out, I guarantee it will be time well spent.
Here's the link: http://www.ustream.tv/joerogan (http://www.ustream.tv/joerogan)
I think I watched a few Fear Factor episodes years ago with family but I don't really know the actors and such that ran it. Was Joe Rogan the one that came up with Fear Factor or something?
He was the host of Fear Factor & is currently one of the commentators for the UFC.
The only JRE I know is Java Runtime Environment.
Well. The Joe Rogan Experience is hands down my favorite podcast. I'm sure you guys would love it too !