Infinity Community
Infinity Community => News & Announcements => Topic started by: Caffeine on January 05, 2014, 12:06:00 AM
Forum Rules
- Absolutely no advertising any outside/third party content on our forums
- Do not be disrespectful to other members of the community.
- English only on our forums, it is the primary language of our community.
- Do not spam our forum boards, and do not make pointless posts.
- Do not beg, pester, annoy, etc. for ranks or money or anything else in general on our forums.
- Do not start flame wars or arguments on our forums.
- Do your best to post in the correct board.
- Do not place e-mail addresses in posts, especially other people email. Please, respect their privacy.
- Do not post copyrighted material without permission of the author.
- Do not double post, you can just edit your previous post.
- Use the search function before asking questions/suggesting ideas.