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Messages - AssassinsWeed

Member Introductions / Re: Fox's Intro
July 24, 2016, 02:56:50 PM
Welcome to the Community!
Member Introductions / Re: RAGEQUITS! Introduction
July 24, 2016, 02:56:36 PM
Welcome Back buddy!  8)
In-game name: ∞| Assassins Weed

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:42604535

Age: 19

Do you have a mic: No

How active are you: I just started back, but I was extremely active in the past.

Past administrator experience: 2 Years as an admin on Infinity (here), owned and ran 3 servers for 2 and a half years.

Why you want to become an admin: Once again I feel like people take advantage of this server because everyone isn't as ready to drop the ban hammer as other servers. Obviously there will be a time where no admins are on the server, with me as an admin that'll be less time that the server is un-administered.

Have you ever been banned, and if so what for: Never been banned here in all the years I've played.

(OPTIONAL) Summary/description of yourself: I'm content, I listen to reason. I don't like ignorance, I don't play favorites. I like this server and I like being apart of the community. Also I like the tag and I've never took it off!  :'( Respect.

Update: Changed my UniqueID to my SteamID, thought UID's were the new SID's.
Welcome Church, but you really should apply for membership! I'll see you in-game!  8)
Quote from: CaptainCupcakes on March 17, 2014, 12:52:29 PM
Welcome to Infinity.  Look foward to seeing you on our servers!  Also, may I suggest applying for membership?
Quote from: Nebula on March 17, 2014, 05:12:55 PM
Welcome Church! ;) I suggest you actually apply for a membership first though  :P

Click here to apply
March 12, 2014, 03:32:47 PM
This will be rainbows and balls. So please, tell Lelouch that I am going to fuck his cat.. until he sleeps soundly. & Do the sexay dance of homosexuals for Caffeine and Dickweed. Who wants more weed in their tacos with beefy dicks juice and sour candy skittles with nasty nipple bliss juices covered in taco with yoko's asian eggroll oil. But Pikachu pissed out Bliss' dogs and ponies again,and Pikachu cummed on Busa and she sucked on Yoko's eggroll, then Bliss raped Plue in Bliss' Horse anal until Bliss' horse exploded and Bliss' period went everywhere! Bliss' genitals felt like orgasming in her pussycat and bitches be crazy about Chezit's big maple syrup piss to the monstrous alcoholic pedobear in the eye then kick the bucket AssassinsWeed made love to sharkeisha and she licked friedchicken boobies ,shit hit the donkey right next to Bliss Period of mayo and cum between cheeseburgers
Member Introductions / Re: Hey Infinity!
March 12, 2014, 03:30:05 PM
Welcome to our community! But apply here to apply to become a member! It doesn't take too long  8)
Member Introductions / Re: Hello beloved community!
March 11, 2014, 06:23:13 PM
Welcome to the community kenneth!  8) Hope to see you in-game !
Media / Re: AssassinsWeed Rap :p
March 09, 2014, 10:17:42 PM
Too much Swag in one post B)
Games / Re: GTAV
January 05, 2014, 08:22:32 PM
<------- (360) I can't play on PS3 because it is in the Living room and i have 3 younger siblings that are always in here ):, so I put my Xbox in my room :) #360orDie
Games / GTAV
January 05, 2014, 01:45:36 PM
Anyone want to play GTAV sometimes? Add my gamertag: xAssassinzWeedx (Xbox 360)
January 03, 2014, 10:33:42 PM
This will be rainbows and balls. So please, tell Lelouch that I am going to fuck his cat.. until he sleeps soundly. & Do the sexay dance of homosexuals for Caffeine and Dickweed. Who wants more weed in their tacos with beefy dicks juice and sour candy skittles with nasty nipple bliss juices covered in taco with yoko's asian eggroll oil. But Pikachu pissed out Bliss' dogs and ponies again,and Pikachu cummed on Busa and she sucked on Yoko's eggroll, then Bliss raped Plue in Bliss' Horse anal until Bliss' horse exploded and Bliss' period went everywhere! Bliss' genitals felt like orgasming in her pussycat and bitches be crazy about Chezit's big maple syrup piss to the monstrous alcoholic pedobear in the eye then kick the bucket AssassinsWeed made
Closed Suggestions / Re: Site Motd?
December 18, 2013, 06:21:11 PM
Chezit... why?
December 03, 2013, 03:40:55 PM
World of Warcraft, public test realm...
Off-Topic / Here's a little laugh!
November 20, 2013, 11:15:11 PM
The Blackest Walmart.
[SekC]ۣۜAssassinsWeed: I bought Oreos and Fried chicken.
Yoko♥™: Holy
Yoko♥™: Fucking
Yoko♥™: Shit
Yoko♥™: So
Yoko♥™: Fucking
Yoko♥™: Black

[SekC]ۣۜAssassinsWeed: LOL
[SekC]ۣۜAssassinsWeed: literally in walmart

Yoko♥™: 2x on Black
[SekC]ۣۜAssassinsWeed: there is a little section
[SekC]ۣۜAssassinsWeed: with cooking fried chicken from kfc

Yoko♥™: The Black section?
[SekC]ۣۜAssassinsWeed: and you can buy 7 wings and 3 legs for 3 dollars
[SekC]ۣۜAssassinsWeed: cant miss out on that deal
[SekC]ۣۜAssassinsWeed: and its already cooked
[SekC]ۣۜAssassinsWeed: and it good as hell

Yoko♥™: Holy shit
[SekC]ۣۜAssassinsWeed: and yes the black section
Yoko♥™: Thats like
Yoko♥™: The Blackest wal-mart i ever heard of

[SekC]ۣۜAssassinsWeed: theres hotsauce right beside the grill
[SekC]ۣۜAssassinsWeed: XD

Yoko♥™: Like holy shit whats next a seafood place next to the wal-mart?
[SekC]ۣۜAssassinsWeed: theres a butchers shop in the walmart
[SekC]ۣۜAssassinsWeed: and a subway
[SekC]ۣۜAssassinsWeed: its amazing

Old Updates / Re: 11/16 News Update
November 20, 2013, 11:11:27 PM
I was Kidding, I've seen you administrate, you're very fair and deciding. You don't jump to conclusions and throw down the [Insert BANHAMMER photo here] whenever someone breaks a rule, so you seem like a great admin to me.  ;D