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Messages - Squirtle

General Discussion / Re: 2021 Roll Call
February 20, 2022, 01:08:55 AM
Who are you guys?
December 03, 2013, 08:24:28 PM
What the fuck is that title?

Speak English, please.
Old Updates / Re: 11/16 News Update
November 21, 2013, 01:04:44 PM
Congratulations to everyone involved.
Media / Re: JRE
October 26, 2013, 10:56:53 AM
The only JRE I know is Java Runtime Environment.
Closed Applications / Re: Touch's Member App
July 05, 2013, 03:01:21 PM
Having that name is a bad idea.

Supported pending a forum name change to your in-game name.
Closed Applications / Squirtle
July 04, 2013, 03:36:09 AM
My lack of a green name is bugging me.

Make me green pl0x?  :D
Member Introductions / Hai
July 04, 2013, 03:31:12 AM
My name's Squirtle and I'm and alcoholic.

I've been here for three years. I don't like people who abuse admin powers.

I help with coding the server sometimes. I'm currently working on a couple of different Sourcepawn based applications so as to improve the overall experience and uniqueness of the server, although progress has been slow, as I've had some problems recently that have left me without easy access to a computer.

Regardless, I'll probably see some of you around. I'm typically an asshole, so you probably won't like me very much when we eventually meet, especially if you break the rules or abuse any power that was given to you.


EDIT: Oh, and I'm probably currently on Caffeine's shit list for disappearing suddenly for a little under a week, although I swear there were exigent circumstances surrounding my lack of attentiveness in my responsibilities as a coder.
General Discussion / Re: Infinity Roll Call
June 24, 2013, 07:10:20 PM
Present, I guess.

Caff, you smell.