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Messages - DR.FEAR

Closed Suggestions / Re: Friends list
July 21, 2014, 01:39:20 AM
January 24, 2014, 07:49:53 PM
2 15
3 Yes
4 No I was told by various people that in order to have the honor to wear this symbol I must apply for a membership
5 Yes I have my voice is on the high side but not annoying, due to my ethnicity and genetics, but I have been told my maturity level is that of a 15 year old. Yes I do have a mic by the way.
6 Yes I do use my microphone
7 Well I am 15 I have been playing Source for good amount of time, I get good grades and I participate on my schools swim team
8 I have been playing for about 2-3 months this is really the only server I like to play on because I love the people and the community
9 I like this community and the game play I would also one day like to become an admin
10 Well I actually wanted to join on my own but some people have told me to join in the past but I do not remember their names
11 I want to become an admin because me being a teenager and most admins being young adults we play at different times, very frequently I log on to the server and there are no admins. So of course no one follows the rules, there is spamming and free kills right and left. So if I became an admin I could log on during the times that would be inconvenient to the other admins and I would enforce the rules. Thanks!