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Messages - MetaL

Off-Topic / Re: What u guys do when your bored
August 31, 2014, 01:37:20 AM
Masturbate to gay porn
Off-Topic / Re: Why did you guys settle on Infinity?
August 25, 2014, 12:04:14 AM
         I was thinking all day on how to reply to your question, but I have finally decided on how.

       While my time here was short relatively, I have made a lot of friends. Not just some friends that I come in, say hi, and never speak again. Some actual real-ass-friends. I can actually make connections to some of these people.
      Although it looks like to you that people as "sticking to infinity" there are a lot of people that have left, or are planning on leaving. I myself have left once and now I just freeload. I could give less of two shits if some newbie admin comes in while the rest of the server is having fun and bans my ass. (which is why I don't play on RPG)

       Today (current date is 8/24/14) I talked with some staff member that I have befriended in TeamSpeak and we talked about leaving. One even said that if Infinity was gone, they wouldn't know what they would do with there extra free time. Another said that if Infinity was gone that they would try to make another community from scratch with the people that they talked to.

       The only server that isn't completely dead is RPG Jailbreak. While it isn't dead, it is dying. The servers for Infinity are the lowest I have ever seen. There are reasons for that, however they are reasons I was asked not to say.

       Moving on, I mainly use the TeamSpeak server because it is one of the only ways I can contact friends in this community (besides Steam chat of course). Before the community started to lose traffic, TeamSpeak was a place for the admins, or to contact an admin (to my knowledge anyway).

     Lastly, If you come here just to fuck around and break the rules, you can join WAZ on the ban list. The servers were made for the purpose of having fun for everyone. This isn't just for you, Sleeping, but for anyone that views my reply. If <your> purpose here was to ruin shit, <you> are one of the reasons that Infinity is dying.

          TL;DR, I stay for the friends and the fun with said friends
Media / Re: [Updated!] Enjoy it. Yes. Yes. Mm hot.
August 06, 2014, 11:20:23 PM
Try doing cymbal flips. Had to do them in my Freshman year of High School. They were a bitch trying to do at 160 bpm songs.

Games / Left 4 Dead Tonight?
July 25, 2014, 03:07:17 PM
           I'm bored as fuck and I need a break from Unturned, CSS, CSGO, etc and I was thinking that maybe I could get a couple people and play some Left 4 Dead (1 or 2) later tonight (7/25/14)

      Some Details:
          -I like playing on high difficulties
          -Need a full 4 people to play campaign
          -If we have enough willing players, we can play Versus
          -We can play Custom maps or Original Maps.
Games / Re: Unturned
July 15, 2014, 02:59:54 AM
Quote from: MetaL on July 15, 2014, 01:03:23 AM
I am not a critique so don't take my review to heart

             I love this game. There is so much right with this game that I almost have nothing to say about it.
To begin, here are the pros (you might see copies in the cons):
      -Easy zombie A.I.
      -Easy to find cars and gas
      -Easy to find weapons and gear
      -Mildly easy to learn map
      -Not that many zombies
      -Re-spawning items
      -Semi realistic gain of food/hunger/[Radiation?]Sickness
      -Gun attachments
      -Different ammo goes to different weaponry
      -The Dev is a extremely open guy that is always talking to the players
Next are the cons (These are written in my opinion):
      -Easy zombie A.I.
      -Easy to find cars and gas
      -Easy to find weapons and gear
      -Too small of a map
      -Not to many zombies
      -The fact that you can go into a 'easy-mode' single-player game, collect top tier items, go into a server, and kill everybody repeatedly with little to no effort or loss of ammo
      -CARS ARE OP
      -Voice chat is too quiet / No settings to change said voice chat
      -Small bugs, I.E.: not being able to see teammates tags sometimes, Etc
      -Not being able to differentiate a Bandit between a Survivor

                        Overall, this game has definitely made it on my top ten on the list of my favorite games. There are more pros and cons, but I cannot think of them at the time of me writing this.
                        My rating for this game is a 8.5/10
TL;DR Less buggy (but still buggy) Minecraft/roblox verison of DayZ. Recomend DLing, Pay the fucking 5 bucks to support the Dev.
Games / Re: Unturned
July 15, 2014, 01:03:23 AM
I am not a critique so don't take my review to heart

             I love this game. There is so much right with this game that I almost have nothing to say about it.
To begin, here are the pros (you might see copies in the cons):
      -Easy zombie A.I.
      -Easy to find cars and gas
      -Easy to find weapons and gear
      -Mildly easy to learn map
      -Not that many zombies
      -Re-spawning items
      -Semi realistic gain of food/hunger/[Radiation?]Sickness
      -Gun attachments
      -Different ammo goes to different weaponry
      -The Dev is a extremely open guy that is always talking to the players
Next are the cons (These are written in my opinion):
      -Easy zombie A.I.
      -Easy to find cars and gas
      -Easy to find weapons and gear
      -Too small of a map
      -Not to many zombies
      -The fact that you can go into a 'easy-mode' single-player game, collect top tier items, go into a server, and kill everybody repeatedly with little to no effort or loss of ammo
      -CARS ARE OP
      -Voice chat is too quiet / No settings to change said voice chat
      -Small bugs, I.E.: not being able to see teammates tags sometimes, Etc
      -Not being able to differentiate a Bandit between a Survivor

                        Overall, this game has definitely made it on my top ten on the list of my favorite games. There are more pros and cons, but I cannot think of them at the time of me writing this.
                        My rating for this game is a 8.5/10
Closed Applications / Re: Aaron's member app :>
April 12, 2014, 06:54:02 PM
Media / Re: Look at this kid.
March 10, 2014, 08:59:48 PM
Anything you can do a ten-year-old-asian can do better~
A ten-year-old-asian can do anything better than you~
Closed Applications / MetaL's App
January 27, 2014, 12:12:46 PM
In-Game Name : ∞|-MetaL™

How old are you? : 17

Are you in our Steam Community Group? : Yes

Do you wear the Infinity Symbol by your name(∞) ? : Yes

Have you read and do you meet the requirements? : Yes

Do you own and/or use a microphone? : Yes

Who are you? (Tell us a little bit about yourself) : I am currently working at a four star restaurant and I am great with friendly people

How long have you been playing on Infinity? : one to two years at most

Why do you want to become a member? : I feel that infinity is a great set of servers and I would love to  play on them as long as I can

Who recruited you, if anyone : Lelouch, Deagle

Additional Information (Not required) : My real name is actually Metal! No joke.