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Messages - WolfBite47

Member Introductions / Re: WolfBite47
February 12, 2014, 09:51:06 PM
Thanks guys make me feel really welcome :)

I feel like I'm going to stick around the community for quite a while :)

Also I will surf the servers to see what they are like too

I have indeed heard of the infamous "Sixsages" and I will try my best to be a friendly player and help around the community as best as possible. Any friend requests shall be accepted, but if you're too lazy to add me on steam tell me your name and I'll add you instead :P

Thanks again
February 11, 2014, 10:12:57 PM
This will be rainbows and balls. So please, tell Lelouch that I am going to fuck his cat.. until he sleeps soundly. & Do the sexay dance of homosexuals for Caffeine and Dickweed. Who wants more weed in their tacos with beefy dicks juice and sour candy skittles with nasty nipple bliss juices covered in taco with yoko's asian eggroll oil. But Pikachu pissed out Bliss' dogs and ponies again,and Pikachu cummed on Busa and she sucked on Yoko's eggroll, then Bliss raped Plue in Bliss' Horse anal until Bliss' horse exploded and Bliss' period went everywhere! Bliss' genitals felt like orgasming in her pussycat and bitches be crazy about Chezit's big maple syrup piss to the monstrous alcoholic pedobear in the eye then kick the bucket AssassinsWeed made love to sharkeisha and she licked friedchicken boobies ,shit hit the

Also, sorry about last post, didn't realize there were more pages... SO SUE ME! But don't do that, that would be bad for all involved, including the pineapples.
Games / Re: Audiosurf 2
February 11, 2014, 08:45:23 PM
It looks pretty cool but I can't see that many changes since audiosurf 1. Apart from is that flying in the air? lol

I would still get it but I just hope more features are added...
Member Introductions / Re: WolfBite47
January 31, 2014, 08:49:06 PM
Thanks Nebula, added you as a friend :)
Member Introductions / WolfBite47
January 31, 2014, 06:31:49 PM
Hello there! I'm WolfBite47, I'm 18 years of age and yes, for the 100th time, I'm English.

Been playing the JailBreak server for a couple weeks and I'm really enjoying the community so I thought I'd come along for the ride. So far it's been really fun and enjoyable.

Nice server, coo' people.

Anyway, that's about it from me, hope to see you in-game
