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Messages - Church

Off-Topic / Re: Were'd you guys get your names?
May 30, 2014, 01:15:14 PM
i say GODDAMN IT.....  alot.....
Closed Applications / Church
May 05, 2014, 09:46:23 AM
I guess i never did one of these but here it goes.....

Must be at least 12 years of age done
Must be a mature playerdone
Can't be a constant rule-breaker99.9% donei broke the knife on big cage rule once because i was sniping and everyone knows im not good at it
Has to be in the "Infinity Community" steam groupi think done
Voice can't be too high pitcheddamnit
Microphones are definitely preferredgot 6 of em

Make sure you make the Subject of the Topic/Thread your in-game name.

In-Game Name : Church
How old are you? : 21
Are you in our Steam Community Group? : i think so
Do you wear the Infinity Symbol by your name(∞) ? : no
Have you read and do you meet the requirements? : i answered them instead
Do you own and/or use a microphone? : that was a requirement?
Who are you? (Tell us a little bit about yourself) : im motherfucking church hahaha im pretty chill
How long have you been playing on Infinity? : dunno havent kept track maybe a couple months now
Why do you want to become a member? : why not pretty cool enviroment
Who recruited you, if anyone : chezzit....dotti.....robo.....uhhh wolf was there i think .....and robot.....
Additional Information (Not required) : theres a lot of things that are double required so im making a requirement to type here =P
Off-Topic / Re: computer desk setups!
May 05, 2014, 09:39:41 AM
#twoxboxs #toomanyscreens #get real #swag lol btw im not a hashtagger just pokin fun
Off-Topic / computer desk setups!
May 03, 2014, 11:54:47 AM
Heres a pic of mine
Member Introductions / Name's Motherfucking Church
March 17, 2014, 10:49:45 AM
Hello infinity community I'm Church or Hollywood. I'm 21 years old and im mostly play JB on CSS but will play other games depending on mood and laziness. I race cars.... no I'm not a illegal street racing fag but i will race in the mountains for fun as a time trial. I am very mechanically and electrically "gifted" not really a gift i just went to school for it mostly. There is really nothing ill hide just wont tell until I'm asked the right question and there's a fine line between not listening and not caring. I like to think that I walk that line every day of my life.