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Messages - billythekid

Closed Applications / Billy The Kid Member App
March 30, 2014, 02:13:20 AM
    In-Game Name : bad.billythekid
    How old are you? : 21
    Are you in our Steam Community Group? : Yes
    Do you wear the Infinity Symbol by your name(∞) ? :I will upon membership
    Have you read and do you meet the requirements? : Yes
    Do you own and/or use a microphone? :Yes and no, its just broken i need to go to best buy to get it replaced
    Who are you? (Tell us a little bit about yourself) :Im a member of the Air Force and im a manager at a pizza place. Ive got big dreams and goals and just want some place to chill with cool people.
    How long have you been playing on Infinity? : 6months-1 year. Just now getting back into CS:S
    Why do you want to become a member? : Just want to become a part of something. And i really enjoy your jb servers
    Additional Information (Not required) : Ive had experience in different clans as well as i had my own server for a bit. So i might bring something to the table down the road. Im pretty easy going and im trustworthy.
Thanks  :)