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Messages - the8pech

Might have posted in wrong spot if did I will make a new application
Closed Applications / Greasers app for Member
July 03, 2014, 02:00:32 PM
1.In-Game Name :
2. Greasers
3. Yes I am in the public community steam group
4.I don't normally but I probably will once I get member
5. Yes I Read and believe matched the requirements.
6. No I do not own a microphone but I Will buy one eventually
7. My name  is Jake I love to help out servers administrating and getting reps as said on my profile. I'm also a big gamer who loves CSS and HL2DM and Is 18.
8.ive played around 24-30 hours.
9. I want to join the party :D  and Help, and become a part of infinity.
10. I had a few friends telling me to check out the forums but that's about it.
11.I know my apps not the greatest but Its my best :D