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Messages - Kitty

Closed Applications / Kitty Admin Application
June 25, 2016, 06:05:56 PM
In-game name:Chouko, but people call me Kitty

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:43118071

Age: 16

Do you have a mic: No, and prefer to not speek.

How active are you: As active as I can be.

Past administrator experience: I was owner of a small community, and I've generally played as admin in surf / zm servers.

Why you want to become an admin: I've played on Infinity forever, and I honestly want to support the servers anyway possible, if that mean warning, kicking, or banning people not following the rules/ motd.

Have you ever been banned, and if so what for: I've never been banned from the Infinity community to my knowledge.

(OPTIONAL) Summary/description of yourself: I'm just a personal person, I don't like telling others about me generally like listening to other people's stories from time to time.
Member Introductions / Kitty ;-;
June 25, 2016, 05:07:51 PM
Doesn't Matter, who I use to be. I'm here now and that is what matter. I sexually Identify as a Apache Helicopter, and I have too many hours of css. It may only say I have 1.5k but I have been hacked 4 times, and this is 5th account. I was previous owner for another server, but that was long ago. Now I'm old ;-; but I play css because it by far fav. game. I have overwatch and I play Genji but I suck at it ;-;. Don't ask me who I use to be, because It seriously don' t matter ;-;.
Closed Applications / Re: Purple Applying For Admin
June 24, 2016, 09:58:14 PM
I think purple is more than capable of holding admin powers. Hours may be a bit low *11 last time checked* but either way I've played against him and he seems fair good. I guess it is really up to how the other owners/ admins feel.