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Messages - mason3201

Closed Applications / Nate's Admin App
July 07, 2016, 09:44:12 PM
IGN: Nate94c/NateOG

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:159828021

Age: 15.

Do you have a mic: Yes.

How active are you: Well I just figured out that infinity was back up I know im a little late on noticing but ive been in the community for 2 years or so I was a active member and admin when the server was up and popular I love this community and want to see it grow back up again. But I can/Will spend up to 3-4 hours a day at least now that I am playing on the server again.

Past administrator experience: Ive ran my own server before and i've moderated on this server in the past and also on minecraft ive been helper/Staff member on 2 servers one of them is it is no longer active Due to owner not paying the ammount of $ to keep the server going.

Why you want to become an admin: I want to become admin because I want to watch the server grow up again and to make sure that there is no toxic players online that cuss a ton and talk bad about people in chat I want to keep the server clean of hackers so that Infinity can grow back up to be a awesome jb server and get the community back up and going again.

Have you ever been banned, and if so what for: No, I have never been banned

(OPTIONAL) Summary/description of yourself: I love sports and video games I play basketball, Football, Baseball, and Track I am a point guard in basketball, I am a runningback/Middle Line Backer in football and second baseman and lead off hitter in baseball I love to hangout with friends and yea thats it ;D