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Messages - imeagless

Off-Topic / EAGLE FOR ADMIN!!!
November 04, 2015, 06:46:42 PM
Closed Suggestions / Achievments And Chating Rooms
July 18, 2014, 07:57:44 PM
Hello! I was just thinking that this site need a chat room and some achievments. Achievments could get more people on the website to try and get every achievment and maybe you can get more karma for each achievment that you do. Achievments could be trophys that you could display. Some could be very hard and some could be very easy for the new site users. A chat room could also could help some of the users to talk to eachother that dont have teamspeak and it could get alot of people in one room to talk to eachother.

Note:Its a Idea...

                                                                    (Sorry if in wrong place please move it)