All about this Random kid name Bradamoose whoever that guy is.

Started by Bradamoose, March 23, 2014, 01:24:55 AM

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Okay, well. I know a few people around here know who I am, and I'm glad. Others though, do not. I'm hoping to change that.

The people in this community, are fucking awesome. Plain and simple. I know more about them then they do about me. So here it is.

I live in a weird place made of Bacon and Maple Syrup called Canadianaca. I'm 17 years old, and I love soccer. I have been playing games since I was probably 5, so basically I have been a no life since then :) I really enjoy meeting new people because I get to know everyone from around the globe as odd as that sounds.

Fun fact: I have a disease called Chronic Granulatomus disease I believe its called? It's an immune deficiency problem. For people who don't know what that is exactly, I have a bigger chance of not being able to fight against colds or flu's. Stuff like that. There's levels like you have to be in a bubble, or hospital but, I have a lower risk of CGD so I just have to take pills and I'm good.

I really don't know what else to add here. Teamspeak is also what makes me love this whole community too. The people on teamspeak are prime 8).

but yeah. That's pretty much most about me. Nice to meet you all :)


Welcome to the community Bradamoose. Nice to meet you as well.

TeamSpeak 3 -


Nice to meet you brad! I've seen you on Teamspeak and Jailbreak a few times. Since you LOVE it here, you should apply for member :P

Apply here for member (Don't forget to follow the format)
Retired Senior Staff



Captain Cupcakes

Welcome to Infinity.  Not that it's your first day on the servers!

Captain Cupcakes - Retired Senior Staff



Sup Bradamoose! I know I'm a bit late on replying, but welcome to Infinity!
Farewell everyone, Thank you for all the fun.



Hey Bradamoose welcome to the community :P Be sure to get me some syrup!