My introduction

Started by Bad Wolf, April 01, 2014, 12:46:20 AM

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Bad Wolf

My username is Bad Wolf
I play on rpg jailbreak and some times minigames
I've been playing on infinity servers for almost a year now
Sooooo yea, Hi  8)
It's all ogre \_(•_•)_/
#Bhop sweg
#Knife sweg


Simple Intro :P Welcome to Infinity Wolf.

TeamSpeak 3 -


Hey bad wolf we know each other but welcome to the community :P


Welcome to Infinity, I've seen you on RPG a few times :)
Retired Senior Staff

Captain Cupcakes


Captain Cupcakes - Retired Senior Staff



Bad Wolf

It's all ogre \_(•_•)_/
#Bhop sweg
#Knife sweg


Welcome to the community.
"Now, you who have your homes on Olympos, you must not blame me for going among the ships of the Akhaians, and avenging my son's slaughter, even though it be my fate to be struck by Zeus' thunderbolt, and sprawl in the blood and dust by the dead men."